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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-audsec-731.html

Which SAP Access Control component must you use to ensure readiness of "get compliance" (get clean)?

A.    Compliance User Provisioning
B.    Superuser Privilege Management
C.    Enterprise Role Management
D.    Risk Analysis and Remediation

Answer: D

Which transaction do you use to set distribution parameters for Central User Administration (CUA)?

A.    SCUL
B.    SCUA
C.    SCUM
D.    SCUG

Answer: C

You have to analyze risk and perform remediation to enable end-to-end compliance.
What is the correct sequence of steps?

A.    1. Identify and select risks to manage.
2. Build and maintain rules.
3. Detect authorization risk.
4. Test and report the risk.
5. Remediate and mitigate risk.
6. Prevent the risk.
B.    1. Identify and select risks to manage.
2. Build and maintain rules.
3. Remediate and mitigate risk.
4. Test and report the risk.
5. Detect authorization risk.
6. Prevent the risk.
C.    1. Identify and select risks to manage.
2. Build and maintain rules.
3. Detect authorization risk.
4. Remediate and mitigate risk.
5. Test and report the risk.
6. Prevent the risk.
D.    1. Identify and select risks to manage.
2. Build and maintain rules.
3. Remediate and mitigate risk.
4. Detect authorization risk.
5. Test and report the risk.
6. Prevent the risk.

Answer: C

Which of the following are reasons to customize role maintenance?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    To suppress authorization objects
B.    To create customer-specific authorization objects
C.    To activate customized authorization objects
D.    To correct authorization objects that have unacceptable default values

Answer: AD

Which of the following activities are part of SAP roles design?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    Determine the role naming convention
B.    Design the SAP transports schedule.
C.    Identify SAP and custom transactions and reports.
D.    Analyze the data migration requirements.

Answer: AC

Which of the following are components of SAP NetWeaver Identity Management?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

A.    Data Synchronization Engine
B.    Central User Administration
C.    Virtual Directory Server
D.    Identity Services
E.    Identity Center

Answer: ACE

What is the main function of the SAP Web Dispatcher?

A.    To provide message server functions
B.    To act as a load balancer
C.    To act as a firewall
D.    To provide secure network connections

Answer: B

You have to maintain authorizations for a new role in the Profile Generator (transaction PFCG).
What does the yellow triangle indicate (see attached screenshot)?

A.    You must not give full authorization in this area.
B.    The profile for the role has not been generated yet.
C.    The maintenance of the authorizations is not done yet; additional work is needed.
D.    You do not have the necessary authorization to maintain the authorizations below this level.

Answer: C

Which of the following sequences of steps can you use to create a user-defined role?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    1. Enter role name.
2. Maintain authorization data.
3. Generate authorization profile.
4. Save the role.
B.    1. Enter role name.
2. Generate authorization profile.
3. Maintain authorization data.
4. Save the role.
C.    1. Enter role name.
2. Maintain authorization data.
3. Save the role.
4. Generate authorization profile.
D.    1. Enter role name.
2. Save the role.
3. Maintain authorization data.
4. Generate authorization profile.

Answer: CD

Why would you add project views of the Implementation Guide (IMG) to an existing role?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    To display the transactions of the project views in the Session Manager
B.    To duplicate the menu of the project views from another Customizing role
C.    To assign the project views to users
D.    To generate the authorizations for the project views

Answer: CD

The strength of our C_AUDSEC_731 dumps is the constant update that we perform to keep abreast with the market trends and changes. Our C_AUDSEC_731 exam question is not only the best option for certification but also enhances your skill to an advance level.

C_AUDSEC_731 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDbEdnY1QtMG5Id1k

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